Michigan Lead Poisoning Lawyers
The harsh realities of lead poisoning and mold contamination from a Michigan attorney’s perspective
Lead poisoning occurs when children are exposed to lead based paint. Lawyers will tell you that lead poisoning can cause behavioral problems, developmental disorders, abdominal pain and learning disabilities.
Most often, lead exists in older homes that were once painted with lead-based paint. When these homes are rented, the landlord is supposed to have you sign a lead disclosure form and provide you with a pamphlet about lead poisoning.
If your child has tested positive for lead poisoning, you should contact your county health department and a group of lead poisoning lawyers who specializes in this area of law immediately.
Toxic mold is generally present in apartments or rental homes after water damage occurs somewhere on the property. The landlord is under a duty to make repairs to the rental premises. Exposure to toxic molds such as Aspergillus Fumigatus can cause respiratory disorders, headaches, rashes and other serious, permanent injuries.
If negligence is uncovered, the landowner may be held responsible for your damages including medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. If you or your family has been sickened by toxic mold you should contact your county health department as well as an attorney who specializes in this area of law immediately.
When to Contact a Harmful Contaminant Attorney
If you or a loved one became ill from lead poisoning, exposure to toxic mold or some other harmful contaminant, contact Mindell Law today for a free consultation. We have a dedicated team of experienced attorneys ready to help you. It is critical to have the premises properly tested for lead, mold or other toxic pollutants to prove that the exposure occurred in the rental property. This must be done in a professional and timely manner, which is why you need an expert to handle your claim and help guide you.
The law limits the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit in these matters so we strongly encourage you to contact us as soon as possible.
*Note: The client always remains responsible for costs and that client has the right to hire an attorney on a basis other than a contingent fee.

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